AI-Powered Patent Review and Analysis - Streamline Your Patent Process with

Save time and improve accuracy with AI-powered patent review. Quickly analyze prior art, detect potential infringement, and generate comprehensive reports.

Please note that does not provide legal advice - our AI-generated analyses are not created or reviewed by patent attorneys.

Leverage advanced AI models trained on millions of patent documents for comprehensive patent analysis. Start your free trial today.

How Patent Review Pro Works

Upload your PDF files for AI-powered patent review

Upload your patent application or existing patent documents in PDF format. Specify your requirements, such as conducting a prior art search, analyzing patent claims, or generating an office action response. Our AI will thoroughly analyze your patent documents, search relevant databases for prior art, and provide a comprehensive review based on your specified task. You'll receive a detailed PDF report with findings, recommendations, and suggested next steps. Please note that provides document analysis and information only - we do not offer legal advice or patent filing services. This tool is intended for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as legal guidance. Consult with a qualified patent attorney or agent for advice on your specific patent matters. Using does not establish an attorney-client relationship or guarantee patent approval.

Our tool typically provides each analysis within 30-60 minutes.

Say goodbye to tedious patent searches and lengthy document reviews. Let our AI handle the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus on making informed decisions about patent applications, just as you would with a skilled patent examiner.

    Upload your patent document and receive an AI-powered analysis & Key insights and recommendations

    After uploading your patent document, our AI-powered system will analyze and review it, providing detailed insights and suggestions. You can then download the comprehensive report for your use. Please see our FAQ for more information on data privacy and confidentiality.

    A comprehensive patent analysis report for a LiDAR-based autonomous navigation system developed by a multinational automotive company in Stuttgart. The report covers various aspects of patent strategy and analysis, including a patentability assessment, comparative analysis of existing patents, infringement risk evaluation, alignment with industry standards and regulations, and an overview of the global patent landscape for autonomous vehicle navigation.

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    Apple's patented unlocking method described in AU2006330724B2 has had a significant impact on the smartphone market and user experience. This analysis focuses on the impact of the patent on Samsung's Intellectual property.

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    The document is a comprehensive analysis of Oracle's potential arguments against Salesforce's patent application US20210174372A1, which relates to AI integration in CRM systems. It covers various aspects of Oracle's case, including prior art analysis, claim comparison, challenges to novelty and non-obviousness, technical similarities, and Oracle's existing coverage of AI-CRM integrations. The analysis suggests that Oracle has a strong foundation for arguing that Salesforce's patent application infringes on Oracle's existing intellectual property and lacks the necessary uniqueness for patentability.

    Download Full (AI Generated) PDF has revolutionized the patent review process. As a patent attorney, I'm constantly examining numerous applications and prior art. Having an AI assist with patent analysis, prior art searches, and drafting office action responses is absolutely game-changing!
    As a patent attorney, I've found to be an invaluable asset in my practice. The AI-powered patent review tool has significantly streamlined my workflow, saving time and improving the quality of my patent analyses. It's a must-have for any IP professional in today's fast-paced legal landscape.